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We gather the first Saturday of each month at 6:30 am to pray, worship, declare, and proclaim.

Constant Devotional header

Read through the Bible in one year with us.

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The iCan ministry is part of the benevolence ministry at CityChurch. Once a month we ask everyone to bring one or two cans or boxes of non-perishable food to have on hand for those in need.

City Church bookstore header

The CityChurch BookStore ministry is to promote continual spiritual growth in the Kingdom of God by making relevant resource materials easily accessible at a fair price.

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Welcome to the City Church Cafe. Come see us and hang out one hour before the experience! 9AM. The CityChurch Café provides excellent café refreshments while bannering an atmosphere of excellence and presence.

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Maecenas sit amet purus eget ipsum elementum venenatis

Maecenas sit amet purus eget ipsum elementum venenatis

Maecenas sit amet purus eget ipsum elementum venenatis

We seek and are committed to building relationships and have intentional and strategic partnerships where we can.